Construction Worker Deals with Depression

CP Life Services

Mental Health Resource for Employees in Construction Industry

At, we offer payroll software tailored to construction companies, general contractors, and other industries with complex payroll requirements.

While our software helps alleviate the frustration of payroll and tax calculations, we also understand the mental health struggles that many men and women face while working in our industries.

That’s why we’ve implemented CP Life Services, a literal lifeline to our clients that helps their employees get the mental health help they need before stressors take a dangerous toll on their home lives.

CP Life Services is unique to us as a software provider, and we know you probably have questions. Let’s explore these services and why they’re so important for the construction industry.

What is CP Life Services?

CP Life Services is a caring 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to walking alongside employees through life’s toughest moments.

Whether facing addiction, battling depression, struggling with fears, dealing with family issues, or just feeling overwhelmed by daily challenges, we’re here for you and your team. As a non-profit organization, we offer our support completely free of charge to all clients and their employees.

Our mission is simple: to wrap our arms around everyone in the construction industry, offering unconditional love, understanding, and a steady hand to hold when the path gets rough.

Construction Workers’ Mental Health

The statistics surrounding mental health inconstruction worker deals with mental health the construction industry are grim. Workers in this sector experience disproportionately high rates of mental health issues.

Construction workers rank second highest for substance abuse across all U.S. industries, with 7,402 deaths from drug overdoses recorded between 2007 and 2012. Even as recent as 2020, the industry sees over 162 overdose deaths per 100,000 construction workers.

To drive home the need for mental health services even deeper, the construction industry has the highest suicide rate among all industries in both 2012 and 2015.

Construction workers exhibit a significantly higher prevalence of smoking, smokeless tobacco use, binge drinking, lack of leisure-time physical activity, and inconsistent seatbelt use compared to other industries. These health risk behaviors exacerbate the mental health crisis within the construction workforce.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified these challenges. A staggering 83% of construction workers reported experiencing moderate to severe mental health issues during the pandemic.

Our Goal with CP Life Services

At CP Life Services, our mission is to provide unwavering support to construction workers facing mental health challenges. We aim to improve over 1 million lives by 2030!

At the heart of our mission lies a deep dedication to uplifting the lives of those who build our world – construction workers and their loved ones. Our innovative TelaCoach program offers a safe harbor where you can share your burdens without fear of judgment.

Whether you’re grappling with job pressures, family dynamics, or seeking spiritual direction, our compassionate team is here to listen and guide you, always with the utmost respect for your privacy. 

As co-founder Josh Stearns explains, “Our aim is to extend unconditional love and support to those within the construction industry.”

How Construction Workers Can Get Support

Accessing CP Life Services is straightforward and confidential. Employees can easily access CP Life Services through their employee portal with

By logging in with their credentials and clicking “Get Help Now,” employees can choose from various options, such as starting a phone call, sending a text, beginning a chat, scheduling a video call, or sending an email to connect with a care coach. This process redirects employees to a new tab to start a private session with TelaCoach.

Completely Confidential Mental Health Support

We know it’s not always easy to ask for help during a mental health crisis, especially in an industry where toughness is often valued above all else. Many of our construction workers – particularly our men – find it challenging to open up about mental health struggles or seek support. This can sometimes lead to coping in ways that might do more harm than good, like turning to drugs or alcohol.

That’s why we’ve made your privacy our top priority. When you’re ready to reach out, we’re ready to help. You’ll be taken to a separate, secure space outside your employee portal where you can confidently speak with a TelaCoach professional. No one will know you’ve sought help unless you tell them.

We want to be there for you whenever you need us, day or night. Consider bookmarking the CP Life Services link on your device. This way, support is always just a click away – no fuss, no delay. Remember, taking care of your mental health isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and self-care. We’re here to listen and support you, whenever you’re ready.

CP Life Services Commitment

CP Life Services provides comprehensive support for employees, addressing mental health and daily struggles at no cost to the employer. This free, confidential access to essential mental health services is designed to positively impact the lives of construction workers and their families.

Businesses can also contribute to our initiative by making tax-deductible donations. These help cover the costs of providing care and demonstrate a commitment to addressing the mental health crisis in the construction workforce.

By providing free, confidential access to essential mental health services and encouraging businesses to contribute through tax-deductible donations, we aim to address the urgent mental health crisis plaguing the construction workforce. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of construction workers and their families.

Seek Support from your Comrades at

At, we’re here to help you and your team with your payroll and mental health needs. To learn more about switching to for easier payroll or our new CP Life Services program, reach out today.

Let’s work together to support our valued teams’ mental health and well-being