Construction Time Tracking with Automated Payroll Software

Accurate construction time tracking is the key to doing payroll correctly and on time. In an industry where precision and efficiency are paramount, reliable time-tracking systems are essential but challenging due to many variables.

One significant hurdle in the construction industry is project-based time allocation, where workers juggle multiple tasks across different projects, complicating the accurate recording of hours.

Integrating time-tracking data with standard payroll systems can be problematic is also problematic in that it often results in errors and delays. On top of integration, complex wage calculations, including varied rates and compliance with labor laws, add another layer of difficulty.

These examples are just a handful of complexities our industry faces. Overcoming these challenges with advanced time-tracking solutions is crucial for maintaining payroll accuracy, ensuring compliance, and enhancing overall productivity.

How to Track Construction Workers’ Time?

Tracking construction workers’ time comes with its fair share of difficulties. However, when you have on your side, our software can work with any timekeeping system that can export time to Excel.

Through our software, construction industry managers no longer have to jump between timesheets and hope for the best when tracking work hours. If your employee time tracking system is mJobtime, busybusy, Exaktime, buildops or procore, you’ve already got a head start on accurate construction timekeeping.

Each of these preferred companies offers geo-fencing capabilities that dramatically reduces time theft from the field. Your employees won’t be able to clock into the job unless they are within its requirements.

Trust our integration with your timekeeping system to help your company make the most of its current projects without losing money at the end of the day!

How Do Contractors Track Hours?

Despite the advent of advanced digital tools, many construction companies still rely on manual time-tracking systems such as paper timesheets and offline spreadsheets. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 10 companies depend on these outdated methods.

Contractors often fill out printed timesheets, documenting their hours and tasks by hand, and submit them at the end of the workday or week. This manual process is prone to errors, including incorrect entries and lost or damaged timesheets, which can lead to inaccurate payroll and project cost assessments.

Another common method involves using offline spreadsheets where workers input their hours on a shared computer file. While slightly more efficient than paper, these spreadsheets still lack real-time tracking and are susceptible to human error and data manipulation. Both methods also pose significant challenges in integrating with modern payroll systems, requiring additional administrative work to manually input data into payroll software, increasing the risk of discrepancies and delays.

Contracting companies that continue to rely on paper timesheets or offline spreadsheets may face higher labor costs due to time theft, unintentional errors, and the administrative burden of manual data entry.
To stay competitive and ensure precise payroll processing, companies must adopt more reliable, automated time-tracking solutions that offer real-time data, seamless integration with payroll systems, and enhanced accuracy.

How Do You Estimate Labor Hours for Construction?

Calculating labor costs in the construction industry is a critical step in project planning and budgeting. To estimate labor costs accurately, break down the project into separate tasks.

By isolating these tasks, you can estimate the time required for each one based on the project schedule, complexity, and the number of workers needed.

Next, determine the time required for each task. After estimating the time, you need to establish the hourly wage rate for each worker. This can be complex as experience, skill level, and job duties can affect wage rates within the same project.

Once you have the hourly wage rates and the estimated hours, calculate the labor cost for each task by multiplying these two values. Finally, the labor costs for all tasks are added to determine the total labor cost for the project. This methodical approach ensures a comprehensive and accurate estimation of labor costs for construction projects.

What Tool Tracks Project Hours?

With’s robust time clock integrations, time tracking for construction has become more efficient and user-friendly. Automating time tracking streamlines various aspects of your business, from simplifying work time documentation for employee payments to enhancing record-keeping for accounting purposes.

Automation reduces errors, saves time, and ensures accurate data collection, making payroll processing more straightforward and reliable.

With our construction time tracking software, the days of tedious time collection for construction workers are gone. With advanced features such as a time punch system that collects time directly in the field, photo capture, and GPS coordinate capture, accuracy and accountability are significantly improved.

As field supervisors, you can also review entries before submission, ensuring correctness. also offers a web-based timecard entry application compatible with phones, tablets, and desktops. This gives your management team flexibility for individual or supervisor entries. Time can be logged by day, hour, job, or location, catering to the specific needs of any construction project.

Ready to make time tracking for your workers as simple and streamlined as possible? We offer simple pricing based on the unique size and needs of your construction company. Get started today by getting a quote.