Signs It’s Time to Switch Payroll Providers

If you’re a construction owner or payroll manager in the construction or contractor industry, you know the dead weight of an inefficient, outdated payroll system all too well. With multi-state tax rates, certified payroll reports, union remittances, prevailing wages, and more, construction payroll management is a flat-out nightmare when you don’t have the right software.

An outdated or ill-fitting payroll solution creates more headaches than it alleviates. Manual data entry, lack of integration with essential systems, and more, end up sacrificing efficiency and growth opportunities just to keep the basics running.

Your payroll system should be an asset, not an anchor weighing you down. Clinging to a payroll solution not purposely built for the complexities of your industry puts your business at risk.

Now is the time for construction firms to reevaluate their payroll technology and switch payroll providers to software like, designed specifically to optimize the payroll process in the construction industry.

Here are the key signs your outdated payroll system is holding you back!

Payroll Processing is a Time Suck

For construction firms with complex payroll needs, getting employees paid on time often requires a heroic time investment from the payroll team. With multi-state tax withholdings, certified payroll reports, union contributions and more, just the basics can take hours to process manually each pay period.

Even if you have a dedicated team managing payroll, they don’t have hours to spend navigating a clunky system and ensuring there are no errors within the final payroll effort.

If you find yourself setting aside days to complete payroll and have a current system, it’s time to think about switching over. A construction-ready system like automates routine payroll tasks, letting your team focus on higher priorities.

Your Payroll System Lacks Construction Smarts

We’ve done the studies and proven that not all payroll software is created equal. This is especially true when it comes to construction. Many generic payroll systems can’t accommodate requirements like multi-trade union rates, prevailing wage reports or job costing allocations.

This leaves the door wide open for human error. Even with standard payroll management software that targets “every” industry, attempting construction payroll creates an endless struggle of hoop jumping and triple-checking your work.

Lack of Integration Causes Double Data Entry

Does your payroll staff have to manually re-enter employee time data from your timekeeping system? Do you find yourself copying job cost data over from your accounting package?

Lack of integration creates inefficiencies and increases the potential for costly errors that could tarnish your bottom line and reputation. A modern construction payroll solution like our will sync seamlessly with your existing time tracking and accounting systems, putting all essential systems in one place.

Can’t Track Job Costs Effectively

Speaking of job costs, most out-of-the-box payroll systems like Paychex and Gusto lack the ability to properly allocate payroll costs to the correct jobs, cost codes or certifications. This makes accurate job costing difficult at best.

A purpose-built construction payroll tool ensures you can manage payroll expenses at the most granular level ensuring you’re always in control of how job finances are used.

Dated Technology Holding You Back

Is your current payroll solution still downloading updates via floppy disk? Okay, maybe not that archaic. But payroll software that hasn’t kept up with the times creates unnecessary challenges – from manual tax table updates to incompatibility with cloud-based apps and mobile devices. Outdated tech bogs you down with inefficient processes.

Payroll Taking a Toll on Your Workplace

It’s not just payroll systems that signal the need for change. The state of the workplace itself could be a red flag for a solution. As veteran payroll experts begin to retire, inexperienced staff are left to untangle the payroll knots. This can lead to quick frustration and points to this alarming statistic about high turnover rates in national HR departments.

According to an article from PR Employer, human resources departments (where payroll lies) has a high turnover rate of over 14%.

If you find your payroll department is one with high turnover, this is a clear indication your payroll system isn’t working in tandem with the needs of your industry.

Mental Health is Suffering

Overworked payroll staff are burning the candle at both ends just to keep up with the basics. Many find themselves working so hard to perfect payroll that they forget about optimizing job costing or implementing time-saving integrations.

These frustrations can take a massive toll on you and your employee’s mental health. While no other big-box payroll system seems to take these issues into account, the team at does!

Our payroll solution offers CP Life Services that provide practical, on demand, coaching for mental health, marriage issues, family support, financial matters, and more!

If there’s any reason to switch providers, getting the mental health support you need is it!

Switch Payroll Providers to

If any of these red flags ring true, it may be time to make the switch to, payroll software built exclusively for the construction industry. Our cloud-based solution handles the complexities of multi-state taxation, certified payroll reporting, prevailing wages, job costing and more.

No more wasting hours on data entry or chasing signatures for paper checks and reports. With, your payroll finally works as hard as you do.

Take the burden off your overworked staff with software designed specifically for construction payroll. Schedule a free payroll assessment today to see how much time and money you can save!